Health Qigong
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Federation UK
Health Qigong Federation UK was the first professional organisation in the UK fully recognised by the Chinese Health Qigong Association (CHQA) and is a member of the International Health Qigong Federation (IHQF). Health Qigong Federation UK (HQFUK) is an independent British non-profit organization, promoting, teaching Health Qigong as a form of fitness exercise and self-healing technique.
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Membership of Health Qigong Federation UK

Health Qigong Federation UK is an organisation for promoting Health Qigong in the UK. Health Qigong is an ancient Chinese art of personal healthcare and has been widely practiced in China for thousands of years. There is strong evidence that the Health Qigong greatly improves general health of those who regularly practice it. In many cases practitioners recover from long-term illness. Health Qigong Federation UK organises seminars, teaching and demonstrations in many UK cities. We have material for self-learning and have professional coaches from China to teach and demonstrate at these seminars. If you are interested in learning or promoting the health qigong as a way of improving general health, HQFUK membership is for you.
a) Free Membership - over 65 years and under 18 years old.
b) Life Membership - GBP40.00
c) Annual Membership - GBP10.00
d) Instructor Membership - Life Membership GBP40.00 plus Instructor Membership GBP50.00
Membership Types:
Individual Membership benefits include:
Get in Touch...
By post to:
32 High Street
Kent BR7 5AQ
020 8467 9988
© Copyright 2016 Health Qigong Federation UK
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Partner Organisations...

- Free training session once per year for Free and Life Members
- Be selected as representative(s) of HQFUK to participate in provincial, national and international events and competitions;
- Participate in all HQFUK organized functions, seminars and workshops at discounted rates;
- Participate in HQFUK instructor training, examinations and receive official certificates. Certified Instructors will be enlisted on the HQFUK website;
- All members will receive email updates on meetings, news, seminars, events of HQFUK;
- All members will be recognized by HQFUK for their participation as volunteers for events and HQFUK operations.
- Discount on purchases of Books, DVD, training clothes, shoes.
- Discount for members on travel to China if booked through HQFUK
- Priority bookings on future events
Download the application form
If you have any question, please Email us.
For more information regarding corporate membership please contact us.